Мы все знаем, что бинарный поиск — один из самых быстрых способов поиска цели в отсортированном списке. И есть два способа реализовать это либо с помощью итеративного подхода, либо с помощью рекурсивного подхода. В этой истории мы рассмотрим рекурсивный подход, и одна из проблем использования рекурсивной функции заключается в том, что она требует больше времени ( O (2 ^ N) ), поскольку каждый вызов функции вызывает себя дважды, если только он не был рекурсирован n раз.
Тогда почему мы не можем сделать его немного быстрее, просто разбив операторы return в рекурсивных вызовах > 🤔.

Ну вот…!!
реализация бинарного поиска с использованием подпрограмм go

func implementBinarySearchUsingRoutines(arr []int, target int) {
 result := make(chan int)

 go binarySearchUsingGoRoutines(arr, target, 0, len(arr)-1, result)

 // it will  block the code until search function sends some response
 index := <-result

 if index != -1 {
  fmt.Println(target, " target found at", index)
 } else {
  fmt.Println(target, " target not found")

func binarySearchUsingGoRoutines(arr []int, target, low, high int, result chan int) {
 if low > high {
  result <- -1

 mid := (low + high) / 2
 if arr[mid] == target {
  result <- mid

 if arr[mid] > target {
  go binarySearchUsingGoRoutines(arr, target, low, mid-1, result)
 } else {
  go binarySearchUsingGoRoutines(arr, target, mid+1, high, result)

вместо того, чтобы возвращать функцию, мы можем запустить ту же функцию в отдельной процедуре go, чтобы повысить ее производительность 🙂.

Теперь мы сравним временную и пространственную сложность рекурсивной и рутинной реализации.

package main

import (

func main() {
 arr, target := generateArrayAndTarget()

 // set max usage cores as 1

 start := time.Now()
 fmt.Println("starting implementation of Binary Search recursively ")
 implementBinarySearchRecursively(arr, target)
 fmt.Println("time taken in nano seconds:-",time.Since(start).Nanoseconds())

 // run garbage collector to free up unused memory

 start = time.Now()
 fmt.Println("starting implementation of Binary Search Using Routines ")
 implementBinarySearchUsingRoutines(arr, target)
 fmt.Println("time taken in nano seconds:-",time.Since(start).Nanoseconds())


func implementBinarySearchRecursively(arr []int, target int) {
 index := binarySearch(arr, target, 0, len(arr)-1)
 if index != -1 {
  fmt.Println(target, " target found at", index)
 } else {
  fmt.Println(target, " target not found")

func implementBinarySearchUsingRoutines(arr []int, target int) {
 result := make(chan int)
 go binarySearchUsingGoRoutines(arr, target, 0, len(arr)-1, result)
 // it will  block the code until search function sends some response
 index := <-result
 if index != -1 {
  fmt.Println(target, " target found at", index)
 } else {
  fmt.Println(target, " target not found")

func binarySearchUsingGoRoutines(arr []int, target, low, high int, result chan int) {
 if low > high {
  result <- -1
 mid := (low + high) / 2
 if arr[mid] == target {
  result <- mid
 if arr[mid] > target {
  go binarySearchUsingGoRoutines(arr, target, low, mid-1, result)
 } else {
  go binarySearchUsingGoRoutines(arr, target, mid+1, high, result)

func binarySearch(arr []int, target, low, high int) int {
 if low > high {

  return -1
 mid := (low + high) / 2
 if arr[mid] == target {
  return mid
 if arr[mid] > target {
  return binarySearch(arr, target, low, mid-1)
 } else {
  return binarySearch(arr, target, mid+1, high)


func generateArrayAndTarget() ([]int, int) {
 arr := make([]int, 999999999)
 for i := 1; i < len(arr); i++ {
  arr[i-1] = i
 return arr, arr[rand.Intn(len(arr)-1)]
func printMemUsage() {
 var stats runtime.MemStats
 fmt.Printf("Alloc = %v MiB", stats.Alloc/1024/1024)
 fmt.Printf("\tTotalAlloc = %v MiB", stats.TotalAlloc/1024/1024)
 fmt.Printf("\tSys = %v MiB", stats.Sys/1024/1024)
 fmt.Printf("\tNumGC = %v", stats.NumGC)
 fmt.Printf("\t no of go routines = %v\n", runtime.NumGoroutine())



starting implementation of Binary Search recursively
298498084  target found at 298498083
Alloc = 7629 MiB        TotalAlloc = 7629 MiB   Sys = 7886 MiB  NumGC = 1        no of go routines = 1
time taken in nano seconds:-12889400
starting implementation of Binary Search Using Routines
298498084  target found at 298498083
Alloc = 7629 MiB        TotalAlloc = 7629 MiB   Sys = 7886 MiB  NumGC = 2        no of go routines = 1
time taken in nano seconds:-8522300


starting implementation of Binary Search recursively
298498084  target found at 298498083
Alloc = 7629 MiB        TotalAlloc = 7629 MiB   Sys = 7886 MiB  NumGC = 1        no of go routines = 1
time taken in nano seconds:-7123500
starting implementation of Binary Search Using Routines
298498084  target found at 298498083
Alloc = 7629 MiB        TotalAlloc = 7629 MiB   Sys = 7886 MiB  NumGC = 2        no of go routines = 1
time taken in nano seconds:-1851600


starting implementation of Binary Search recursively
298498084  target found at 298498083
Alloc = 7629 MiB        TotalAlloc = 7629 MiB   Sys = 7886 MiB  NumGC = 1        no of go routines = 1
time taken in nano seconds:-10586800
starting implementation of Binary Search Using Routines
298498084  target found at 298498083
Alloc = 7629 MiB        TotalAlloc = 7629 MiB   Sys = 7886 MiB  NumGC = 2        no of go routines = 1
time taken in nano seconds:-4202600

starting implementation of Binary Search recursively
298498084  target found at 298498083
Alloc = 7629 MiB        TotalAlloc = 7629 MiB   Sys = 7886 MiB  NumGC = 1        no of go routines = 1
time taken in nano seconds:-13572600
starting implementation of Binary Search Using Routines
298498084  target found at 298498083
Alloc = 7629 MiB        TotalAlloc = 7629 MiB   Sys = 7886 MiB  NumGC = 2        no of go routines = 1
time taken in nano seconds:-8423100

starting implementation of Binary Search recursively
298498084  target found at 298498083
Alloc = 7629 MiB        TotalAlloc = 7629 MiB   Sys = 7886 MiB  NumGC = 1        no of go routines = 1
time taken in nano seconds:-11283800
starting implementation of Binary Search Using Routines
298498084  target found at 298498083
Alloc = 7629 MiB        TotalAlloc = 7629 MiB   Sys = 7886 MiB  NumGC = 2        no of go routines = 1
time taken in nano seconds:- 7131700

Из вывода видно, что обе реализации занимают одинаковый объем памяти, но затраченное время отличается. Также очевидно, что использование подпрограмм go может улучшить выполнение рекурсивных функций.

Тестирование BenchMark с временем тестирования 10 секунд

note:- target key is generated randomly may not be the same for both the functions 

go test -bench=. -benchtime=10s

iternation -1:-

goos: windows
goarch: amd64
pkg: medium/binarysearch/usingroutines
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8265U CPU @ 1.60GHz
BenchmarkBinarySearchUsingGoRoutines/input_size_9-8              8009953              2398 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearchUsingGoRoutines/input_size_99-8             1823480              5705 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearchUsingGoRoutines/input_size_999-8             842208             14788 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearchUsingGoRoutines/input_size_9999-8            182142             64211 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearchUsingGoRoutines/input_size_99999-8            25999            466619 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearchUsingGoRoutines/input_size_999999-8            3604           3625492 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearchUsingGoRoutines/input_size_9999999-8            591          19323843 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearchUsingGoRoutines/input_size_99999999-8            58         180493174 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearchUsingGoRoutines/input_size_999999999-8            1        23644980900 ns/op
ok      medium/binarysearch/usingroutines       147.730s

iternation -2:-

goos: windows
goarch: amd64
pkg: medium/binarysearch/usingroutines
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8265U CPU @ 1.60GHz
BenchmarkBinarySearchUsingGoRoutines/input_size_9-8              9758373              1786 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearchUsingGoRoutines/input_size_99-8             2235060              5464 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearchUsingGoRoutines/input_size_999-8             869326             14623 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearchUsingGoRoutines/input_size_9999-8            180708             66059 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearchUsingGoRoutines/input_size_99999-8            25923            464167 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearchUsingGoRoutines/input_size_999999-8            3112           3486702 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearchUsingGoRoutines/input_size_9999999-8            592          19711070 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearchUsingGoRoutines/input_size_99999999-8            57         184378581 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearchUsingGoRoutines/input_size_999999999-8            1        23065051500 ns/op
ok      medium/binarysearch/usingroutines       143.025s


go test -bench=. -benchtime=10s

iternation -1:-

goos: windows
goarch: amd64
pkg: medium/binarysearch/recursive
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8265U CPU @ 1.60GHz
BenchmarkBinarySearch/input_size_9-8            100000000              147.5 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearch/input_size_99-8           15203101               844.0 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearch/input_size_999-8           2299185              5452 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearch/input_size_9999-8           255415             49134 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearch/input_size_99999-8           29052            406890 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearch/input_size_999999-8           3422           3558830 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearch/input_size_9999999-8           652          19478196 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearch/input_size_99999999-8           66         177987880 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearch/input_size_999999999-8           1        24534260400 ns/op
ok      medium/binarysearch/recursive   154.862s

iternation -2:-

goos: windows
goarch: amd64
pkg: medium/binarysearch/recursive
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8265U CPU @ 1.60GHz
BenchmarkBinarySearch/input_size_9-8            112362855              208.8 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearch/input_size_99-8           13626289               847.0 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearch/input_size_999-8           2133458              5720 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearch/input_size_9999-8           245186             48752 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearch/input_size_99999-8           30397            400923 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearch/input_size_999999-8           3423           3333734 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearch/input_size_9999999-8           578          20049595 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearch/input_size_99999999-8           58         184094891 ns/op
BenchmarkBinarySearch/input_size_999999999-8           1        24155393800 ns/op
ok      medium/binarysearch/recursive   156.357s