let assert = require ('assert');
class Book {
    // constructor becomes part of the function object
    constructor(/* this = reference of newly created object */ title, author, price){
        // create new data members in the object and initialize them
        this.title = title; // create title as the property in the object referred by this
        this.author = author; // create author as the property in the object referred by this
        this.price = price; // create price as the property in the object referred by this
// display becomes part of the prototype object
    display(/* this = reference of calling object */){
        console.log(this.title, this.author, this.price);
// Books refers to function object
assert.equal(typeof Book, "function");
// Book refers to the function object
// and the function object contain prototype property
assert.notEqual(Book.prototype, undefined);
// Book function / class inherits Object class
assert.equal(Book.prototype.__proto__, Object.prototype);
let b1 = new Book("T1", "A1", 1000);
// 1. new Book object will be created with __proto__ in it
// 2. constructor will be called with reference of the object, T1, A1, 1000
// 3. new returns reference of the object which gets stored in b1
// object to which b1 refers has been created from the Book class
assert.equal(b1.__proto__, Book.prototype);
assert.equal (b1.title, "T1");
assert.equal (b1.author, "A1");
assert.equal (b1.price, 1000);
let b2 = new Book("T2", "A2", 2000);
// 1. new Book object will be created with __proto__ in it
// 2. constructor will be called with ref of the object, T2, A2, 2000
// 3. new returns ref of the object which gets stored in b2
// object to which b1 refers has been created from the Book class
assert.equal(b2.__proto__, Book.prototype);
assert.equal (b2.title, "T2");
assert.equal (b2.author, "A2");
assert.equal (b2.price, 2000);
// Is display() part of the Book's prototype object
assert.notEqual(Book.prototype.display, undefined)
// pass reference stored in b1 to this
// pass reference stored in b1 to this
assert.notEqual(b1.display, undefined)
// pass reference stored in b2 to this
// pass reference stored in b2 to this