Следующий текст был полностью сгенерирован компьютером, за исключением первых 4 слов «Эта самая [прилагательное] комната». Все прилагательные были извлечены автоматическим распознаванием частей речи из начала The Passion согласно G.H. Кларисы Лиспектор:

This very silent room silently reminds you of when you get on a plane and there's no one else around you but you. A large step forward, a destruction to the timer, and suddenly the light begins to dim. Now your conscience is tugging at you, telling you it's over. It hurts to have your hopes and dreams shattered, so you go back to the game and go over your play-through again to get acclimated to the email I had sent about four months ago. Your consequences are still there.
The moral of the story here is that with every game, you take your chances; or does it always come down to hope?

Призрачный, загадочный.

This very tranquil room is surrounded by endless flowers of shrubs, October flowers may appear during the spring. It represents the truth: love is blind and hard to love. Many Spiritualists hold to trivial calculations of structures and place things out of place to make them seem larger and easier to see. Blindfolded with blindfolded love, you cannot see what the deeper goal we are consciously seeking is. Tell me then, just briefly what separation from love, whether aunt, uncle, girlfriend, friend, father, mother, brother, sister, lover actually mean?
This very ritual room represents the price we pay for being a human being. It's something like the Pandora's Box. There is an enormous threshold to even be considered human. When we're in the womb or we're tasting blood or we're tired, we are, on some level, damaged.
This very blissful room is a forgotten memory. It is at peace, but there is pent inside it, where there has been no end; for here is the door that shuts the ears of joy, and stables the heart with sorrow."(MT. II, 24). Amen. The compendium of life, try to see how it reaches us.


This very normal room has 50t of whale opium hashish in storage. In it is added sugar, vinegar extracted from a coca conscientia, feminine granules of gelatin and oil, cleaned carnation, oil and hemlock seeds (aka, sea salt), and the product itself is a strange gummy mix of powdered sugar, seaweed, coconut oil, cassava, catnip, seeds (proyecti, lemon) and tar powder. The mixture tastes really, really bad."
This very new room will find a place for Harry Potter" Anakin tells me. I hesitate and stare at Anakin for a moment before asking "When is Severus going to be home?"
Hagrid tells me that that was a mistake. He would, but that night Hagrid told me that Anakin will be Harry Potter's Hedwig. This is a plan that is so stupid, so crazy, so stupid, I have no idea what to tell you.


This very accustomed room is
like a psychedelic star-
of-a-cult of musicians and soundguitarists.

The woodwinds wander
in between the samples
of ascendance and descent; connecting 
conventional shopswomen with the motley
barefoot strum of cathartic monotony. This room bears
strong implications for a perfumer who wants to continue working in the normal places of (human) 
world-on-the-brink, but with a crispy, heavy 
edge. The movement of the
strings is steady; they come second and third, 
and feel heavier in their
turbulence. Craftmaking, exteriors between
tones, means there
are meaningful characters trapped so that you 
can actually
disappear between the strains of these works of 
music. The spot on the natural
and floor is not well lit by windows or floor-
light, but the glow of the surrounding
vivid Caucasian light transforms the walls 
(palpable retail/retail walls of
enlightenment expansions ?) into a meteorite-
Come-to-Jesus masterpiece 

И наконец:

This very last room is about myself. About being and who I am. And the job that comes next.
It's about how to go through that. It's about being brave enough to endure.
And I feel like this is the direction we're headed towards, walking away physically unharmed, bitter and weary, but walking through with our hearts strong.
Why is that necessary?
Because when we walk, my friend, we walk in hope, because we know there's always an inside to the bomb and we know the inside of the bomb is we. Why is that necessary?
Because you're not afraid.
Because you walk in faith.
Because you navigate a difficult and strange future.

Не бойтесь.

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