Создание углового приложения с yoeman

Мое угловое приложение успешно запустилось, когда я использовал команду «grunt serve». Но когда я создал приложение с помощью команды «grunt build», функциональность сохраняется, но AngularJS ломается.

После долгих поисков и проб разных решений я убедился, что это проблема минификации. Итак, я попробовал решение, предоставленное многими разработчиками на stackoverflow. то есть включить следующий код в мой Gruntfile.js

uglify: {
        options: {
            report: 'min',
            mangle: false

После этого мой угловой все еще не на месте.

Попросите кого-нибудь найти ошибку/проблему, с которой я столкнулся. Буду признателен за ваш вклад.

Моя зарегистрированная задача для сборки и по умолчанию:

  grunt.registerTask('build', [

  grunt.registerTask('default', [
    'copy', 'useminPrepare', 'concat', 'uglify', 'cssmin', 'rev', 'usemin',

После выполнения команды grunt build --force я получаю следующий вывод (прошу вас прочитать его, если вы чувствуете необходимость, поскольку он довольно длинный).

Loading "imagemin.js" tasks...[31mERROR[39m
[31m>> [39mError: Cannot find module 'imagemin-optipng'

[4mRunning "clean:dist" (clean) task[24m
Cleaning .tmp...[32mOK[39m
Cleaning dist/.htaccess...[32mOK[39m
Cleaning dist/404.html...[32mOK[39m
Cleaning dist/favicon.ico...[32mOK[39m
Cleaning dist/fonts...[32mOK[39m
Cleaning dist/index.html...[32mOK[39m
Cleaning dist/robots.txt...[32mOK[39m
Cleaning dist/scripts...[32mOK[39m
Cleaning dist/styles...[32mOK[39m
Cleaning dist/views...[32mOK[39m

[4mRunning "wiredep:app" (wiredep) task[24m

[4mRunning "copy:dist" (copy) task[24m
Created [36m1[39m directories, copied [36m18[39m files

[4mRunning "copy:styles" (copy) task[24m
Copied [36m2[39m files

[4mRunning "useminPrepare:html" (useminPrepare) task[24m
Going through [36mapp/index.html[39m to update the config
Looking for build script HTML comment blocks

[1mConfiguration is now:[22m

[1m  concat:[22m
  { dist: {},
   { files: 
      [ { dest: [32m'.tmp\\concat\\scripts\\oldieshim.js'[39m,
           [ [32m'bower_components\\es5-shim\\es5-shim.js'[39m,
             [32m'bower_components\\json3\\lib\\json3.min.js'[39m ] },
        { dest: [32m'.tmp\\concat\\scripts\\vendor.js'[39m,
           [ [32m'bower_components\\jquery\\dist\\jquery.js'[39m,
             [32m'bower_components\\angularfire\\dist\\angularfire.min.js'[39m ] },
        { dest: [32m'.tmp\\concat\\scripts\\scripts.js'[39m,
           [ [32m'{.tmp,app}\\scripts\\app.js'[39m,
             [32m'{.tmp,app}\\scripts\\lib\\qrcode.js'[39m ] } ] } }

[1m  uglify:[22m
  { options: { report: [32m'min'[39m, mangle: [33mfalse[39m },
   { files: 
      [ { dest: [32m'dist\\scripts\\oldieshim.js'[39m,
          src: [ [32m'.tmp\\concat\\scripts\\oldieshim.js'[39m ] },
        { dest: [32m'dist\\scripts\\vendor.js'[39m,
          src: [ [32m'.tmp\\concat\\scripts\\vendor.js'[39m ] },
        { dest: [32m'dist\\scripts\\scripts.js'[39m,
          src: [ [32m'.tmp\\concat\\scripts\\scripts.js'[39m ] } ] } }

[1m  cssmin:[22m
  { dist: { files: { [32m'<%= yeoman.dist %>/styles/main.css'[39m: [ [32m'.tmp/styles/{,*/}*.css'[39m ] } },
   { files: 
      [ { dest: [32m'dist\\styles\\vendor.css'[39m,
          src: [ [32m'bower_components\\bootstrap\\dist\\css\\bootstrap.css'[39m ] },
        { dest: [32m'dist\\styles\\main.css'[39m,
          src: [ [32m'.tmp\\styles\\main.css'[39m ] } ] } }

[4mRunning "concurrent:dist" (concurrent) task[24m
[32m>> [39mWarning: There are more tasks than your concurrency limit. After this limit[32m
>> [39mis reached no further tasks will be run until the current tasks are[32m
>> [39mcompleted. You can adjust the limit in the concurrent task options

Loading "imagemin.js" tasks...[31mERROR[39m
[31m>> [39mError: Cannot find module 'imagemin-optipng'
[33mWarning: Task "imagemin" not found. [4mUsed --force, continuing.[24m[39m

[31mDone, but with warnings.[39m

Loading "imagemin.js" tasks...[31mERROR[39m
[31m>> [39mError: Cannot find module 'imagemin-optipng'

[4mRunning "copy:styles" (copy) task[24m
Copied [36m2[39m files

[32mDone, without errors.[39m

Loading "imagemin.js" tasks...[31mERROR[39m
[31m>> [39mError: Cannot find module 'imagemin-optipng'

[4mRunning "svgmin:dist" (svgmin) task[24m
Total saved: 0 B

[32mDone, without errors.[39m

[4mRunning "autoprefixer:dist" (autoprefixer) task[24m
File .tmp/styles/main.css created.
File .tmp/styles/style.css created.

[4mRunning "concat:dist" (concat) task[24m

[4mRunning "concat:generated" (concat) task[24m
File .tmp\concat\scripts\oldieshim.js created.
File .tmp\concat\scripts\vendor.js created.
File .tmp\concat\scripts\scripts.js created.

[4mRunning "uglify:generated" (uglify) task[24m
File dist\scripts\oldieshim.js created: 59.08 kB → 26.67 kB
File dist\scripts\vendor.js created: 1.45 MB → 584.31 kB
File dist\scripts\scripts.js created: 78.09 kB → 47.11 kB

[4mRunning "copy:dist" (copy) task[24m
Created [36m1[39m directories, copied [36m18[39m files

[4mRunning "cdnify:dist" (cdnify) task[24m
Going through  to update script refs

[4mRunning "cssmin:dist" (cssmin) task[24m
File dist/styles/main.css created: 6.62 kB → 4.79 kB

[4mRunning "cssmin:generated" (cssmin) task[24m
File dist\styles\vendor.css created: 132.55 kB → 108.6 kB
File dist\styles\main.css created: 937 B → 692 B
[31m>> [39mNo "rev" targets found.
[33mWarning: Task "rev" failed. [4mUsed --force, continuing.[24m[39m

[4mRunning "ngmin:dist" (ngmin) task[24m
ngminifying [36m.tmp/concat/scripts/oldieshim.js[39m, [36m.tmp/concat/scripts/scripts.js[39m, [36m.tmp/concat/scripts/vendor.js[39m

[4mRunning "filerev:dist" (filerev) task[24m
Γ£ö dist/scripts/oldieshim.js changed to oldieshim.f3b80d74.js
Γ£ö dist/scripts/scripts.js changed to scripts.cb35dbb5.js
Γ£ö dist/scripts/vendor.js changed to vendor.4e3a4803.js
Γ£ö dist/styles/main.css changed to main.91169d36.css
Γ£ö dist/styles/vendor.css changed to vendor.20833e0b.css

[4mRunning "usemin:html" (usemin) task[24m

[1mProcessing as HTML - dist/404.html[22m
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with the new video filenames
Update the HTML with the new poster filenames
Update the HTML with the new source filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Update the HTML with the new img filenames in meta tags

[1mProcessing as HTML - dist/index.html[22m
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
<script src="scripts/oldieshim.js" changed to <script src="scripts/oldieshim.f3b80d74.js"
<script src="scripts/vendor.js" changed to <script src="scripts/vendor.4e3a4803.js"
<script src="scripts/scripts.js" changed to <script src="scripts/scripts.cb35dbb5.js"
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/vendor.css" changed to <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/vendor.20833e0b.css"
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/main.css" changed to <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/main.91169d36.css"
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with the new video filenames
Update the HTML with the new poster filenames
Update the HTML with the new source filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Update the HTML with the new img filenames in meta tags

[1mProcessing as HTML - dist/views/about.html[22m
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with the new video filenames
Update the HTML with the new poster filenames
Update the HTML with the new source filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Update the HTML with the new img filenames in meta tags

[1mProcessing as HTML - dist/views/addEntry.html[22m
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with the new video filenames
Update the HTML with the new poster filenames
Update the HTML with the new source filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Update the HTML with the new img filenames in meta tags

[1mProcessing as HTML - dist/views/details.html[22m
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with the new video filenames
Update the HTML with the new poster filenames
Update the HTML with the new source filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Update the HTML with the new img filenames in meta tags

[1mProcessing as HTML - dist/views/dish-category.html[22m
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with the new video filenames
Update the HTML with the new poster filenames
Update the HTML with the new source filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Update the HTML with the new img filenames in meta tags

[1mProcessing as HTML - dist/views/login.html[22m
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with the new video filenames
Update the HTML with the new poster filenames
Update the HTML with the new source filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Update the HTML with the new img filenames in meta tags

[1mProcessing as HTML - dist/views/menu.html[22m
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with the new video filenames
Update the HTML with the new poster filenames
Update the HTML with the new source filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Update the HTML with the new img filenames in meta tags

[1mProcessing as HTML - dist/views/nav.html[22m
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with the new video filenames
Update the HTML with the new poster filenames
Update the HTML with the new source filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Update the HTML with the new img filenames in meta tags

[1mProcessing as HTML - dist/views/posts.html[22m
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with the new video filenames
Update the HTML with the new poster filenames
Update the HTML with the new source filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Update the HTML with the new img filenames in meta tags

[1mProcessing as HTML - dist/views/profile-general.html[22m
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with the new video filenames
Update the HTML with the new poster filenames
Update the HTML with the new source filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Update the HTML with the new img filenames in meta tags

[1mProcessing as HTML - dist/views/profile-tables.html[22m
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with the new video filenames
Update the HTML with the new poster filenames
Update the HTML with the new source filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Update the HTML with the new img filenames in meta tags

[1mProcessing as HTML - dist/views/profile.html[22m
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with the new video filenames
Update the HTML with the new poster filenames
Update the HTML with the new source filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Update the HTML with the new img filenames in meta tags

[1mProcessing as HTML - dist/views/register.html[22m
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with the new video filenames
Update the HTML with the new poster filenames
Update the HTML with the new source filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Update the HTML with the new img filenames in meta tags

[1mProcessing as HTML - dist/views/showpost.html[22m
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with the new video filenames
Update the HTML with the new poster filenames
Update the HTML with the new source filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Update the HTML with the new img filenames in meta tags

[4mRunning "usemin:css" (usemin) task[24m

[1mProcessing as CSS - dist/styles/main.91169d36.css[22m
Update the CSS to reference our revved images

[1mProcessing as CSS - dist/styles/vendor.20833e0b.css[22m
Update the CSS to reference our revved images

[4mRunning "htmlmin:dist" (htmlmin) task[24m
Minified dist/404.html 3.53 kB → 3.39 kB
Minified dist/index.html 2.08 kB → 1.96 kB
Minified dist/views/about.html 31 B → 30 B
Minified dist/views/addEntry.html 4.26 kB → 3.54 kB
Minified dist/views/details.html 684 B → 600 B
Minified dist/views/dish-category.html 734 B → 615 B
Minified dist/views/login.html 424 B → 383 B
Minified dist/views/menu.html 1.81 kB → 1.4 kB
Minified dist/views/nav.html 1.58 kB → 1.35 kB
Minified dist/views/posts.html 1.05 kB → 863 B
Minified dist/views/profile-general.html 2.8 kB → 2.32 kB
Minified dist/views/profile-tables.html 1.69 kB → 1.53 kB
Minified dist/views/profile.html 1.64 kB → 1.36 kB
Minified dist/views/register.html 834 B → 774 B
Minified dist/views/showpost.html 1.93 kB → 1.66 kB

[31mDone, but with warnings.[39m

person Div Sehgal    schedule 01.12.2014    source источник
Что вы подразумеваете под угловыми разрывами? Вы видите ошибку где-то в консоли? Ангуляр не загружается? Отсутствует какой-то конкретный функционал?   -  person Matthew Green    schedule 01.12.2014
Angular не загружается. Все причудливые css отсутствуют. Я могу перемещаться по пользовательскому интерфейсу. т.е. использовать функцию входа/выхода из системы через мой бэкэнд. И модель загружает данные на страницы.   -  person Div Sehgal    schedule 01.12.2014
У Angular нет никакого CSS. Я предполагаю, что неработающий CSS должен быть связан с Bootstrap. Это правильно?   -  person Matthew Green    schedule 01.12.2014
CSS, которые я использую в форме, не связаны с Bootstrap. Но я вижу папку начальной загрузки в файле bower_components. Есть ли еще место, откуда я могу проверить?   -  person Div Sehgal    schedule 01.12.2014
Кроме того, в моем Gruntfile.js я вижу начальную загрузку, которая копируется: dist: files:[{...}, {expand: true, cwd: 'bower_components/bootstrap/dist', src: 'fonts', dest: '‹%= yeoman.dist %›' }] },   -  person Div Sehgal    schedule 01.12.2014

Ответы (1)

Была проблема в CSS, и angular работал нормально.

В папке приложения удалите файл main.css. Я была такая же проблема. При сборке он читается в файле main.css и никогда не попадает в main.scss, поэтому, если вы удалите main.css, он корректно завершается через- https://github.com/yeoman/yeoman/issues/411

person Div Sehgal    schedule 01.12.2014