Django 1.6.1: ошибка транзакции. Вы не можете выполнять запросы до конца атомарного блока в unitest

Django 1.6.1 в Windows с Postgres

Я использую unittest для тестирования представления, которое загружает файл .cfg на сервер. Я столкнулся с ошибкой 2, называемой

(1) TransactionManagementError: в текущей транзакции произошла ошибка. Вы не можете выполнять запросы до конца атомарного блока. (2) OSError: [Errno 22] Недопустимый аргумент

Я записываю свое мнение и тест ниже.

def upload(request, device_id):

    dev = get_object_or_404(device, pk=device_id, owner=owner)

    state = 0

    # Handle file upload
    if request.method == 'POST':

        form = UploadConfigForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
        if form.is_valid():
            new_file =

            #now ask the device to download the config file
            sess, action, action_opt = add_device_action(device=dev, action=Action.AC_CONFIG_FILE_SET)

            #get the action related to this file
            if action_opt:
                new_file.act = action_opt
                new_file.act = action


            #add the payload to the action
            if action_opt:
                action_opt.payload = new_file.payload()
                action.payload = new_file.payload()

            if settings.RENDER_JSON_INSTEAD_OF_HTML:
                # Render as an json response
                resp = action.descriptor()
                return HttpResponse(json.dumps(resp), content_type="application/json")

                # Redirect to the document list after POST
                # return HttpResponseRedirect('..')
                state = 1

        form = UploadConfigForm() # A empty, unbound form


class DevAPISimulDevTests(TestCase):
    Class that test the device API
    fixtures = ['test_auth.json', 'test_users.json', 'test_device.json']

    def setUp(self):

        ret = self.client.login(username='cws', password='cws123')
        self.assertEqual(ret, True)

    def test_api_sim_usr_upload_config_file(self):
        simulate the upload of the config file ba the user. submit with a file that is ok


        dev_id = 1
        dev = device.objects.get(pk=dev_id)

        url = reverse('device-upload', kwargs={'device_id':dev_id})
        myfile = open('device/fixtures/cfg_ok.csr','r')

            # with transaction.atomic():
        response =, {'config_file':myfile})
        logger.debug('POST[%s]:[%s]', url, response.status_code)

        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
        ad = json.loads(response.content)

        # Check the ad we think we should receive. 
        self.assertEqual(ad[Action.AD_EP_URL_BASE], settings.API_BASE_URL)
        self.assertEqual(ad[Action.AD_EP_ACTION], settings.API_EP_ACK)
        self.assertEqual(ad[Action.AD_EP_ERROR], settings.API_EP_ERR)
        self.assertEqual(ad[Action.AD_DEVICE_CODE], dev.access_code)
        self.assertEqual(ad[Action.AD_ACTION_CODE], Action.AC_ACKNOWLEDGE)

        # Check the DB
        # We should have 1 session
        self.assertEqual(dev.session_set.count(), 1)
        sess = Session.objects.first()
        self.assertEqual(sess.state, Session.STATE_SMS_SENT)

        # We should have 2 actions more
        self.assertEqual(sess.action_set.count(), 2)

        # The first action should have the same token as in the SMS and the status should be in progress
        first_act = sess.action_set.first()
        self.assertEqual(first_act.next_token, ad[Action.AD_EP_TOKEN])
        self.assertEqual(first_act.status, Action.STATUS_IN_PROGRESS)

        # The second action should have the same token as in the SMS and the status should be queued
        next_act = sess.action_set.last()
        self.assertEqual(next_act.current_token, ad[Action.AD_EP_TOKEN])
        self.assertEqual(next_act.status, Action.STATUS_QUEUED)

        # test the status
        status_should_be = {u'0': {u'state': u'in progress', u'state_label': u'processing', u'label': u'contacting device'},
                            u'1': {u'state': u'queued', u'state_label': u'not started', u'label': u'uploading config file to device'}}

        return ad

        # except IntegrityError:
        #     pass

    def test_api_sim_dev_init_session (self):
        API : simulate the device receiving the first AD trhough SMS and initiating the session
        # try:

            # with transaction.atomic():
        ad = self.test_api_sim_usr_upload_config_file()

        # validate that the url is correct
        url = reverse('device-api_ack', kwargs={'token':ad [Action.AD_EP_TOKEN]})

        url2 = ''.join (['/device/', ad [Action.AD_EP_TOKEN], '/', ad[Action.AD_EP_ACTION]])
        self.assertEqual(url, url2)

        # Simulate the device processing the first ad of the session
        # retrieve the next command from the server
        response = self.client.get(url)
        logger.debug('GET[%s]:[%s]', url, response.status_code)

        # check the answer
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
        ad2 = json.loads(response.content)
        self.assertTrue(type(ad2) is dict)

        # Check the ad we think we should receive.
        self.assertEqual(ad2[Action.AD_ACTION_CODE], Action.AC_CONFIG_FILE_SET)
        self.assertEqual(ad2[Action.AD_EP_ACTION], settings.API_EP_CFG)
        self.assertTrue(type(ad2[Action.AD_ACTION_PAYLOAD]) is dict)
            #TODO: will need on time to understand why this asssrt fail.
        # self.assertContains(ad2[Action.AD_ACTION_PAYLOAD]['url'], '.csr')

        # Check the DB
        # We should have 1 session in STATE_WAIT_DEV_REQ
        dev_id = 1
        dev = device.objects.get(pk=dev_id)

        self.assertEqual(dev.session_set.count(), 1)
        sess = Session.objects.first()
        self.assertEqual(sess.state, Session.STATE_WAIT_DEV_REQ)

        # We should still have 2 actions
        self.assertEqual(sess.action_set.count(), 2)

        # The first action should have a status done
        first_act = sess.action_set.first()
        self.assertEqual(first_act.status, Action.STATUS_DONE)
        self.assertEqual(first_act.next_token, ad[Action.AD_EP_TOKEN])

        # The second action should have the same token as in the SMS and the status should be queued
        next_act = sess.action_set.last()
        self.assertEqual(next_act.current_token, ad[Action.AD_EP_TOKEN])
        self.assertEqual(next_act.next_token, ad2[Action.AD_EP_TOKEN])
        self.assertEqual(next_act.status, Action.STATUS_IN_PROGRESS)

        # test the status
        status_should_be = {u'0': {u'state': u'done', u'state_label': u'done', u'label': u'contacting device'},
                                    u'1': {u'state': u'in progress', u'state_label': u'processing', u'label': u'uploading config file to device'}}

        return ad2

Пожалуйста, предложите, что я здесь делаю неправильно. Если код, вставляемый сюда, не касается ошибок, укажите, какой код вызывает эту ошибку, так как я не могу понять происхождение этих ошибок.

person Pawan    schedule 28.07.2014    source источник
возможно, это поможет:   -  person miraculixx    schedule 10.12.2014
посетите   -  person sottany    schedule 26.02.2015

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 'default': {
person elad silver    schedule 16.11.2015
Обратите внимание на влияние ATOMIC_REQUEST = True, это может замедлить работу вашего сайта. Хотя простота этой модели транзакций привлекательна, она также делает ее неэффективной при увеличении трафика. Открытие транзакции для каждого представления имеет некоторые накладные расходы. Влияние на производительность зависит от шаблонов запросов вашего приложения и от того, насколько хорошо ваша база данных обрабатывает блокировки. Из документов: docs.djangoproject .com/ru/1.11/topics/db/transactions/ - person Dio Phung; 14.09.2017